International OCD Foundation – Complete List of Online Groups

OCD-Support – Support and guidance for individuals with OCD and their supporters/family. 

OCD and Parenting – Peer-based support for parents/family of children with OCD. Questions can be posted to professionals.  Reading posts by other parents can be educational.

Pure O – OCD  A group for individuals whose compulsions are primarily mental in nature.
Pure O is a misnomer as compulsive behavior is present just not visible.  

Everything OCD  Facebook Group with two groups – individuals living with OCD and family members. Knowledgeable administrators, professional contributors, and friendly members wanting to help.

Intrusive Thoughts  Facebook Group.  Moderated by members of 

OCDTribe  – Support Groups, OCD Self Help, Forums, Chat Rooms, Blogs, Games, etc.  

Stuck In A Doorway (SIAD)  The world’s largest self-help support group for sufferes of OCD

Johnathan Grayson blog



International OCD Foundation – A comprehensive resource for information. 

Anxiety Canada – Self-Help and Evidence-Based Resources for anxiety disorders.  Learn about Anxiety in adults, Youth, Children.  Free MindShift™ CBT app – using step-by-step strategies.

The Canadian Institute for Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

Canadian Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviour Support Network – Toronto, Ontario
Peer Support Groups across Canada. Promotes awareness, educates Canadian medical professionals.

Peace of Mind Foundation – A comprehensive resource founded by Elizabeth McIngvale, LMSW, who lives with OCD and has dedicated her life to shedding stigma and educating about OCD and it’s proper treatment.  Excellent videos and articles.  OCD Challenge – an online self-help ERP. – Dr Reid Wilson – Help for Anxiety, Panic, Phobias and OCD – Self-Assessment    
ERP Video

OCDOnlineSteven Phillipson, Ph.D.  Articles, Videos, Pure O Treatment.  – CBT self-help Video.  Self-help resources.

nOCD – Treat My OCD  – By and for individuals in the OCD community. Self-Help ERP treatment plan.